Saturday, August 21, 2010

It’s All About Stealth

I walked toward the pond at Fenner Nature Center. Plink. Plink. Plunk. My footsteps had scared several frogs and maybe a turtle into the water. I turned on my camera. Plip. Plop. More were frightened by the electronic whir. I stalked a sleepy-looking fellow, floating with his head above the surface. I focused, wondering if reflected sunlight would spoil the picture or make it more interesting.
“Is there anything in there?” a woman shouted as she came up to the pond.
The frog disappeared into the murk. I turned so she could see my camera.
“What are you taking pictures of?” She yelled even though she was standing next to me.
“Frogs,” I whispered, hoping she’d turn down the volume.
“Oh, I see ‘em now.” She hadn’t taken the hint.
Plunk. Plop. I put my finger to my lips.
“They’re all over the place,” she shouted.
“Could you please be quiet?” I whispered. “I don’t mean to be rude, but you’re scaring the frogs.”
“They’re all over the place! They’re all over the place!” Her voice kept getting louder.
I sighed, and eventually she left. Then I managed to photograph some of the braver individuals. Stop by tomorrow to see more frog pics.


Anonymous said...

That little frog in the picture sure is cute. I'm glad he poked his head out and smiled at you in spite of the woman with the booming voice (and I'm sure a stomping gait!)

Debbie Diesen said...

What a wonderful photo! Can't wait to see more.

Your story reminds me a little of a time a couple of summers back when I took the kids to the park and was doing a bit of writing in that short window of The-Kids-Are-Playing-Nicely-Together time. Spotting me with me notebook in my lap and my pen hard at work, a friendly grandmotherly type came over and asked me if I was a writer. After I said yes, and despite my frequent not-so-subtle longing looks at my notebook, she proceeded to talk to me at great length about how I must find it so hard to find time and space to write. Um, yup!

Ruth McNally Barshaw said...

What a rich little corner of the web this is.

Ann Finkelstein said...

Liza, Debbie and Ruth:
Thanks for your kind words.

Wyman Stewart said...

I know him! Stealth Headley's the name! Disappearing's his game.

As for the lady, her name is Cackles Brainless. Graduate of Dimwit University; year unknown. She is a Nuisance Specialist.

What a small world.

Ann Finkelstein said...

Wyman: Ha!
I should go back and check on Steath Headly. He's probably enjoying a quiet vacation until school starts and the field trips start.