Tuesday, June 16, 2009

A New Prime Number

Math is in the news today!

A new prime number has been discovered by Odd Magnar Strindmo from Melhus, Norway. It is 13 million digits long, so I won't display it here. It is a Mersenne prime number which means it can be calculated from the equation:

where n is a prime number.

The calculation required a lot of computing power (because the values for n are so large) and was aided by the Great Internet Mersenne Prime Search (GIMPS). People can download software onto their personal computers to help with the calculations.


Jacqui said...

It's so good to have someone else around the math-less kidlit world who finds these things SO COOL!

Ann Finkelstein said...

Two scientist friends wondered aloud about the use of a new prime number. I explained that I needed a math-related post on my blog.

Nathan said...

Dude I'm so glad this happened

Nathan said...

Dude I'm so glad this happened