Monday, May 11, 2009

Lessons Learned

The master of my sons' Taekwondo studio says everyone, even the spectators, should learn much from attending tournaments. So, what did I learn from Saturday's state-wide Taekwondo tournament?
First, it is darn difficult to photograph sparring matches. The photographic subjects keep moving! The stands were too far away to get great shots, even with the zoom. Before I try this again, I shall learn how to use the motor drive on the camera. This sport is fast.
I also learned about perseverance. Sam competed against four Masters and did not place in forms or sparring. When asked later about the tournament, he said, "I'll just have to work harder," and listed a few areas he felt needed improvement.
In my revisions, I'm also working harder, and thanks to an amazing critique, I know what to focus on.

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