Thursday, July 14, 2011

Songwriting, Malware and Writing Days, Oh My

I had intended to write a thoughtful post on negative space this week with examples from my photography and applications to writing. Then Jeremy decided his band needed a songwriting room. He and Neil (drummer) cleared out another corner of our basement, picked up some salvage furniture and carpeting at MSU, and created a cute and comfortable space. That corner of the basement had been used to store a lot of stuff, but I’ve now relocated our tax return files and trashed or recycled a lot of stuff that should have been gotten rid of years ago.

Just as the basement issue was getting under control, my PC got another malware infection and had to go back to the computer hospital. All of my photo-editing software is on that computer, so Sunday’s nature photo is unlikely to happen this week.

Some members of The World’s Greatest Critique Group have planned writing days for today and Friday. To heck with all these other issues. I’m going to finish revisions this week.


Wyman Stewart said...

It's a different kind of "negative space" but it's not hard to relate to the malware "negative space" you find yourself in.

Sunday (Lord, forgive me), I may visualize a malware/virus creator hanging from a rope tied to a tree, as your photo. Like horse thieves of another era, they deserve the same fate.

That results in "positive space." Justice! ;-) Just joking, until my next "negative space."

Ann Finkelstein said...

Wyman: One computer expert told me malware creators usually end up with cushy jobs at programing companies.