Friday, May 20, 2011

Overheard #146

"His confusion is your confusion."


Wyman Stewart said...

I need a transfusion for the delusion caused by the brain contusion that "His confusion is your confusion," which is not my solution to today's mental pollution, that's left me stuck in an illusion in need of restitution.

Or something like that. Oh great Confuscius, how confusing are the words of wisemen on mountaintops.

Ann Finkelstein said...

Wyman: I'd love to hear that as a rap song.

Wyman Stewart said...

Was inspired by those two great thinkers Confucius and Nervous Norvus of "Transfusion" song fame. Mr. Nervous Norvus could probably Rap this, though his Rap was somewhat more original than today's Rap.

Here's a YouTube link if you have never heard of singer or song; if you call it singing. Was the Rap of its day and may take some getting used to. Enjoy, if you can.

Ann Finkelstein said...

Wyman: Thanks for the link. I vaguely remembered the name Nervous Norvus, but I hadn't heard that song before. That tidbit of music history is interesting.