Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day

The big Valentine news around here is I’ve stopped hating my Work In Progress. Oh, I know the whole romance/manuscript metaphor is over-used, but in many ways, it rings true. Usually there is some point in the revision-endless-revision process that I despise my manuscript.

People offer advice. “Take a break,” they say, or “You need some time apart.”

Bah. When it comes to manuscript revision absence makes the fond heart wander. What’s actually needed in that case is a New Idea. Or ten. Anyway, revisions are rolling again. I like my WIP. Perhaps love is too strong a word, but I’m moving in that direction.

Can someone tell me why converting a Power Point image into JPEG results in such poor image quality?

1 comment:

TimInMich said...

You really hit the nail on the head for me, Ann. That’s much like what my experience has been with my WIP.
As for converting PowerPoint to jpg, I had made a longish comment on it a few days ago, but somehow didn’t upload it. I will respond by email, since I have a question and a sample.