Thursday, December 10, 2009

All's Quiet on the Blogging Front

Don’t think the paucity of posts on this blog means I’ve been revising like crazy.

But I have been thinking, and reading, and thinking some more. Yesterday I read a post on Writing a Hot Plot by Mary Kole. Click on over and look at the line graph. I was relieved to realize that G&G and CBL follow this pattern. Unfortunately, TAoCBS (the novel I’m supposed to be working on right now) does not. Specifically, it’s missing The Rise between points 1 and 2.

I haven’t figured out how to achieve The Rise in this novel, and according to the plan, it should account for 16.7 to 25% of the story. I wonder if the situation for my hapless protagonist could improve without him realizing it.

While I ponder, I’m going to work on making The Fall even steeper.

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