Sunday, November 15, 2009


Photo by me.


Lori Van Hoesen said...

Ann, Charlotte would be impressed. This is "Magnificent." ;)

It looks a little like a parasail.

Oh! The word verification for this comment is "bessed." Can't get much better than that. . .

Buffy said...

Very cool photo--reminds me of our backyard hammock, and makes me want to lie back and consider the branches above. Of course, that might be a final resting place..

My verification word was cotterin, as in "I cotterin my spider web," remarked Charlotte.

Amy Huntley said...

Im truly enchanted. You've captured such a beautiful moment here. The starkness amidst the beauty and lines. Gosh, it's making me want to write!

Ruth McNally Barshaw said...

It makes me almost like spiders.

Ann Finkelstein said...

I have more web pictures scheduled for future Sundays.

TimInMich said...

It reminded me of wings. Good, appropriate depth of field. I'm looking forward to seeing more of these.
This fall I had a garden spider outside my bedroom where I write, for several weeks. It was charming at first, but as it put on the pounds it was like, "Uh, ma'am, you're blocking my view."
My verification word was "Nukkins" - which must be a gnome or troll name!