For my new WIP, I have lots of character sketches, plot outlines and scene descriptions. I've even written a few chapters. But it's not quite working.
This afternoon, I read a few scenes from Romeo and Juliet to Jeremy. He has been sick for most of the week, and is behind with homework. Jeremy finds the play difficult, so I selflessly offered to read aloud some of the most beautiful writing in the English language. During a pause while Jeremy wrote down a scene summary, I let my eyes wander to the bookshelf.
And then I realized what was wrong with my plot. It's so obvious. I've written about this concept in numerous blogs. Yet, it took me a long time to figure it out.
The protagonist needs to confront his own demons. Frodo must destroy The Ring. Harry must face Lord Voldemort (at least seven times). Stanley Yelnats must carry Zero up the mountain.
As soon as I figure out what Troy's demons are, I'll make him confront them.
Passive Voice
2 hours ago