Thursday, June 20, 2013

The Three-Dimensional Solution

My Work-In-Progress involves an imaginary town with a road, a river and buildings. I drew a map and wrote the draft. Somewhere in the third revision, I discovered geography problems. Some of my characters were on the wrong side the river, and there is no bridge. I re-drew the map, but there were still issues. Finally, I decided I needed to see the town in 3D. I got a very old, very dusty set of Duplos from the basement and built the town. The model helped me identify where the problems were. Now I’m revising with geography and geometry in mind. 

Sometimes it takes more than a map. Here's some Duplo-building music.


Wyman Stewart said...

:-) Thanks! Sam built musical bridges and musical vistas that live forever. So timeless is his musical designs, they're beyond 4D. He's on the right side of my river. Hope the rest of your tale flows as smooth as his music.

Wyman Stewart said...

OUCH! are, not is!

Ann Finkelstein said...

Wyman: Exactly! Thanks for the positive thoughts about my manuscript.

Regina said...

Perfect pick for some re-building :)

Ann Finkelstein said...

Thanks, Gina.