Tuesday, April 15, 2008


"...be prepared to fail initially. For no quest is worth pursuing that does not require you to pass many tests, take numerous risks. Jason had to tame the wild bulls, Ulysses had to resist the sirens calling him onto the rocks; Captain Nemo had to face the giant squid...The test you must pass is not whether you fall down or not but whether you can get back up after being knocked down...the hardest tests of all will look to see how determined you are to live your dream, how strong is your heart."

That quotation is an excerpt from a commencement speech by Robert D. Ballard, the leader of the expedition that found the sunken R.M.S Titanic. He spoke at Worcester Polytechnic Institute in Worcester, Massachusetts on May 23, 1992.
The entire speech can be found in Hold Fast Your Dreams: Twenty Commencement Speeches by Carrie Boyko (Editor), Kimberly Colen (Author), Scholastic Inc. 1996.

1 comment:

Lori Van Hoesen said...

What a wonderful message. Thanks, I feel stronger already! :o)
