Friday, August 23, 2019

Change in Comment Moderation

This poor neglected blog gets over a dozen spam messages every day. I've changed the comment moderation to allow only people with google accounts. I hope this doesn't present a problem for any of my regular readers. 


Buffy Silverman said...

Do you have a spam blocker on your blog? I use akismet and it catches almost everything. That's for wordpress, but I assume there must be something similar for blogger?

Ann Finkelstein said...

Blogger is free and this is an old blog. I don't have any problems with wordpress blog. Maybe I should just take this blog down.

Wyman Stewart said...

Send me a link to your new blog, if you do that. My Blogger blogs have always had bugs. However, I've been relative lucky with Spammers. In recent years a couple of Spam messages struck me as humorous. I do grumble each time I see a Spam message, though. Also have evil thoughts on what to do to Spammers. :-)

Ann Finkelstein said...

My other blog is attached to my website.
The casinos were driving me crazy.

Wyman Stewart said...

Then You Can Tell Them (Me) Goodbye--The Casinos. Great band with a great song, but LOUSY Spam. Thank you for the link. Off to the song. :-)

Ann Finkelstein said...

Thanks for the reminder about that song, Wyman. I hadn't heard it in years. Here's a link if anyone wants a little jazz band old-time romance.