Thursday, December 11, 2008

Thursday Summary

On the holidays:
Nothing dampens the holiday spirit like trying to figure out the bells and whistles in the mail merge function of Microsoft Word. That said, the holiday cards are now addressed – most of them legibly.

On winter:
I left California almost 30 years ago. Ice and snow have lost their novelty. But, in just 10 days, we’ll reach the shortest day of the year. Then, little by little, each day will gain daylight. Hurray!

On writing:
Draft 7 is nearly finished. Chapters 1-23 and 29-32 have been revised. I cut a lot, and I’m not sure what's left. One way to find out.

On reading:
I just finished Chains by Laurie Halse Anderson. Wonderful! The wait for its sequel (Forge) will seem soooooo long.

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