This morning while I was making muffins, my husband told me there was light on my plants. The light patterns in our yard change quickly due to the dense tree cover, so still wearing my cooking apron, I grabbed my camera, slipped my feet into my husband's boots (that happened to be by the sliding door) and went out to see what I could get. Tiptoeing through the tulips in my husband's size-13 hiking boots isn't easy, but the morning light on the caladium was worth it.
Expert Reviewers
14 hours ago
I love the fact that you got a light alert!
Tiny Tim would be proud of you, were he still around.
Always good to capture the many different ways one can see the world.
Also, a salute to your ever-alert husband. Team photography, now that's true art.
Often when we're hiking in the winter, my husband scouts ahead and says, "You should photograph that."
Lovely. Also a great picture: you running out in an apron and your husband's huge boots!
Kristin: I've often thought a more interesting blog would be The Photographer's Companion, with pictures of all the silly things photographers do to get shots.
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