Sunday, May 22, 2011


It's hard to photograph bees, but I have all summer to work on it.


 perhaps a faster shutter speed

bee's eye view 


TimInMich said...

Ahh, I like those a lot! Good work. I've never tried photographing bees. It's gotta be a challenge.

Wyman Stewart said...

They bee beesy with beesness.

Bet they are abuzz over your photos. Would not be surprised if they show up at your door after work asking for bee-wallet-size copies of your photos. Very well done!

Ann Finkelstein said...

Tim and Wyman: Thanks! There were so many bees around our crabapple tree that I could hear the buzzing from several feet away.

Natalie Aguirre said...

Great pictures. Hope the weather gets nice enough to photograph more bees and flowers soon.